Since October 7th, people have been seeking ways to make a meaningful impact.
Over the past year, Zo Artzeinu planted 12,000 fruit trees around the Gaza border, 10 for each of the 1,200 victims symbolizing growth, resilience, and hope. Tragically, during this time, 600 of our bravest heroic and holy IDF soldiers gave their lives defending Israel's survival. We cannot let their sacrifice to be in vain!
Our Response:
They Murdered 1,800 k'doshim We will plant 18,000 Trees & Create NEW Life!
Beginning this Tu B'Shvat, we will plant 18,000 new fruit trees all across Israel. They gave their lives for us! We will plant 18,000 NEW trees to honor their memory and create NEW life! They will yield thousands of new mitzvot, whose merit will be le'ilui nishmat our fallen heroes and victims. Together, we will transform tragedy into growth, despair into hope, and loss into LIFE!
Support farmers and communities in need: Help save their farms while safeguarding the Holy Land!
Stand strong against terror: Show the world that we are here to stay, and will continue to GROW!!
Plant 18,000 new fruit trees: In memory of and leilui nishmat the 1,800 k'doshim, creating NEW LIFE!!!
Share in mitzvot: Participate in mitzvot unique to the Land of Israel וְצִוִּיתִי אֶת-בִּרְכָתִי לָכֶם" - ויקרא" !!!!
Learning opportunity: Learn about Israel’s geography and history with engaging videos from farmers!!!!!
Click to Plant