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Please put your tzedakah dollars in a place that will really make a difference!!


The details may sound unbelievable - but every one of these setbacks that have hit this choshuva family recently are true. 

The nightmare started some years ago, when they wanted to renovate their two-bedroom home to accommodate their family of eleven. To their shock and dismay, the contractor chose not to abide by the "Thou shalt not steal" commandment and robbed them blind to the tune of nearly $400,000. He then filed for bankruptcy, leaving no way for this choshuva family to recoup their losses.


Because their current home is completely uninhabitable due to the unfinished work, they are renting another apartment which means that they are paying rent on top of the mortgage for the property they already own. This has been going on for YEARS.

These tremendous payments have put them into unimaginable debt, and at this point they are struggling to even put food on the table. Compounding these debts which have been impossible to meet are other expenditures that until now have been non-negotiable.


They haven’t been able to pay for the therapies, tutors and extra help needed for their special needs child, so the child has been home for five months. Just home, day after day, due to the parents being unable to pay for a basic need like schooling.
Another child needs critical treatment for a chronic medical issue which they have not been able to afford for a few months.

And now, boruch Hashem they will be making two simchos shortly - a wedding and a bar mitzvah. Halls, clothes, menus - all these expenditures are beyond their financial capacity.


The debts have been piling so high that the past couple of months have been a stretch to put food on the table - but now they have reached the breaking point:

This wonderful, choshuva family IS NOW FACING EVICTION for being unable to pay rent.


Their home has been a warm and inviting base for so many bochurim who have needed a home away from home.

Their home has been a true witness to what an open house means. This wonderful couple have devoted so much time and energy to helping others in their time of need - be it a 3am session for a bachur in need of encouragement, or hours of paperwork to procure a visa for someone who was desperate.

It's the most difficult thing in the world for them to reach out and ask for help, but the thought of their children going hungry and homeless has forced this family to swallow their pride and plead:



Going forward, once the debts have been paid off, some people would like to show their hakaros hatov by supporting this family.

But until then... they need our help!


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